Corporate Finance Competition

On the 6th and 7th of February the Corporate Finance Competition took place at Country Estate Duin & Kruidberg. It was an early morning as we took the train at 6:30. Surprisingly, our train travel went quite smooth without any delays or whatsoever, so when we arrived in Santpoort, we had some time left to put everything in place.


By the time everyone had arrived, we started off with an intense case hosted by ING. After that there was time to get to know the delegation ING sent a little better during the lunch. After the lunch, ABN AMRO took over and started with their case. Again, everyone worked hard to win the case together with their team. The case was followed by a well-deserved drink and some snacks. After checking-in at the hotel, the dinner started. During the dinner everyone got the chance to speak to the employees of each of the banks in an informal manner. Next morning, Rabobank challenged the students with their case. They were followed by Van Lanschot Kempen, who finished the two intense days during which the students got to know the world of Corporate Finance and the four companies both in a professional and informal way.

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