Active Members Weekend 2018

If you are an active member of the FSR, there are several social activities throughout the year. But the one activity everyone is looking forward to, is the active member weekend. Although we usually do only really functional stuff, this weekend is mostly fun and relaxing.

This year’s active member weekend took place in the beginning of April. It was already necessary to say in December whether you would join or not, so there was quite some time to be excited about our secret destination. After several hints, it was clear that we would be going to the beautiful city of Belgrade, Serbia. I did not know what to expect from the weekend, but now, I can give one hint if you are going next year: a weekend to expect the unexpected!

Declan and Rob, the president and treasurer of the FSR, arranged the entire weekend, and they nailed it. On Schiphol already, there were ice cold Heineken beers waiting for us. In Belgrade, we had a perfect hotel, visited great restaurants, had nice day activities and, believe it or not, also some sightseeing.

After dropping our stuff in the hotel and relax for a bit, it was time to have dinner, but also, more importantly, get ready for a night out in Belgrade! We had a fancy dinner at a Latin/Spanish restaurant next to the river, went to a cocktail bar for some pre-drinking and to a cool nightclub until very late.

The next day started with a small hangover. Luckily, everybody had some time to recover, to prepare for the day, had some breakfast and shared stories of the night before. During the day we had lunch while having a boat trip, had some drinks on a sunny terrace, and dinner again at another fancy place. We went to another nightclub to conclude the weekend in the best way possible. Some of us even tried to mingle with the locals.

In a nutshell: during a weekend like this, you get to know the board and all committee members even better, not only about their positions and stuff, but also on a personal level. It was not just a great weekend, it was legen... wait for it... dary!

I am 100% sure that the next active member weekend, in ‘18-’19 will be just as awesome. So do you want to have one heck of a weekend, kind of disguised as a study trip? Become active in the FSR! You can either apply for the full-time board (applications open until the 6th of May) or join one of the committees!

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