Female Business Tour 2017

The 6th of January was devoted to roughly half of the population: the females. A group of motivated female students travelled to Amsterdam to get to know the finance industry a little bit better. It was the start of a day full of company visits and a delightful dinner.

The startingpoint was pension provider APG. Here, the participants met each other while enjoying a good cup of coffee. Then it was time to get to know APG: especially the asset management section. With presentations of a professional and two trainees the participants were getting an idea of working at APG. To get even a better insight, we were showed the trading floor and got an opportunity to interview one of the employees. After this, it was time to have a break. Lunch was waiting for us! Together with all the trainees of APG we ended the morning.

Walking along a construction site brought us to the next company. Enthusiastic people welcomed us at EY TAS. A partner told some stories about his career at EY, but also explained the different branches at the TAS department. After this, we worked in competitive groups on a challenging case. Before we had to leave for dinner, we had a small drink with the employees and recruiters.

The dinner was in a restaurant in the Vondelpark in Amsterdam, named Vondelpark 3. We enjoyed a delicious three course dinner with APG, EY and a third company: Nationale Nederlanden Investment Partners. During this dinner everybody had the chance to meet the people from these different companies and ask them questions. Completely satisfied we returned to Rotterdam.

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