Ladies Masterclass - 2017

On Thursday the 2nd of February the Ladies Masterclass took place. Together with professor Fieke van der Lecq, among others member of several supervisory and advisory boards, she touched upon several problems or challenges women might face working in a men’s world.

To start, professor Fieke van der Lecq asked the participants about topics in which they were particularly interested in regarding the subject Women in Business. Hereafter, professor Fieke van der Lecq shared some of her own experiences and challenges she faced during her career. Next to sharing her own experiences professor van der Lecq provided the participants tips and tricks concerning how to dress, tips for negotiating your salary and how to use their own competences in the best way. Being a woman sure has its benefits as well!

After a short break, the group continued with a movie in which the topic of being different was converted. It stressed situations or pitfalls you might face when seen as different and it also addressed different ways of how to handle these situations. After watching the movie, topics as how you can deal with the fact that you may be considered different, and how you could turn this into an advantage were discussed.

To end the Masterclass, the participants together with professor Fieke van der Lecq, tried to gain inside in their own strengths and weaknesses both in their personal and professional life.

We look back at and interesting and productive afternoon. Lastly, we like to thanks professor Fieke van der Lecq and all participants for attending and participating in the Ladies Masterclass.

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