Starters Cycle: KPMG Trainee Juliette van de Boel

Starters Cycle: KPMG Trainee Juliette van de Boel

What is starting a new job like under COVID-19 regulations? Is it possible to choose the right company for you if you cannot even visit the office? Are you able to truly connect with your fellow employees without actually seeing them? These questions and doubts together with the experiences of trainees in their positions will be enlightened through this article during this month's starters cycle.  Within this cycle, four different starters will share their experience with starting a job during the COVID-19 pandemic. This week Juliette van de Boel shares her insights as an Audit Trainee at KPMG.

Audit Traineeship KPMG ; Juliette van de Boel

Juliette van de Boel has started her academic career at Maastricht University where she obtained a bachelor’s degree in Economics & Business Economics. Closely after finishing a board year after her bachelor at M.S.R.V. Saurus (a student rowing association), she was inspired to enroll for her master’s degree at Erasmus School of Economics. Here, she obtained a master’s degree in Accounting, Audit & Control. Next to having a great interest in the Audit world, Juliette shows an active background which laid the ground for an enthusiastic conversation about the start of her career at KPMG.

Starting off the interview, Juliette quickly explains how she came in contact with KPMG and how she knew this company was the right fit for her. “After I had been in touch with most of the Big 4 companies for the first time on campus, I got an impression from each company. Besides, it was also the case that they were recruiting students for the so called ‘Business Course’ to which I immediately applied after having a great interest in KPMG”, said Juliette. After having taken part in the Business Course of KPMG which gave students the great opportunity to get to know KPMG whilst visiting the famous city of Madrid, Juliette quickly came to learn that KPMG was the right fit for her as she really appreciated the determined and friendly atmosphere of KPMG.

Nevertheless, when asked why she specifically chose for a position as a Trainee at KPMG, she argued that there were different reasons for this. “There is so much to learn during the Traineeship at KPMG. You obtain an insight into different client portfolios and you practically see it all. Also, the guidance which you receive from the senior employees that you are working with really helps you learn a lot. This assures you that there is always someone whom you can ask your questions to.”

Application Process

When it came to applying for the job, Juliette also had to make decisions about choosing the right position and the right company. This involved going through the application process at certain companies. “At first, I was a bit overwhelmed by the number of options that there were on the job market within the accounting sector. You really have to take your time and go through all the possibilities and opportunities to see what you are really interested in and what fits you best. For me, one thing that has helped me a lot with making the decision about choosing the right job and company, was to do a thesis internship. This has really given me insight into the career path I was thinking of and it has given me a much better picture of the company for which I was interested in working for, namely KPMG.”

Furthermore, within the world of auditing, students and graduates frequently face the dilemma of choosing whether to work at a Big 4 company or at a smaller accounting firm. Juliette states that the main difference is the atmosphere of these companies. “Small companies might feel more personal while larger companies, like the Big-4, lay out more opportunities (career-wise, working abroad; many social activities/ committees)”. As a student, she really recommends you connect with recruiters and the employees of these companies to get an insight into what it is like to work for their company and to find your best fit.

Applying during COVID-19

Unfortunately, after the COVID-19 pandemic struck, much of the old recruitment activities have been set aside in order to comply with the new rules of social distancing. This has led to much fewer campus recruitment events nowadays and taking part of an aforementioned Business Course, is not entirely possible during this period. Nevertheless, Juliette states it is indeed though to find a job during this period, but it is not impossible. “In such a unique period of time, it is indeed difficult to find a job. However, adapting to the online setting is where you should be looking. Since most people are online now, I can definitely recommend contacting people on LinkedIn, even when they are not in your network, and ask them about their job and open positions at their companies. Most people will agree to help you with what you are looking for, and some may even go to the extent to have a (virtual) cup of coffee with you. Hence, you should really try to contact people online and this will already bring you a good end at finding your next endeavor.”

Personal Tips from Juliette

As the interview was coming to an end, Juliette closes off with some advice for students and graduates who are currently looking for a job on the job market within the accounting sector. “When it comes to finding a job, do not hesitate to reach out to people who work in a position of for a company in which you are interested in. Next to this, be keen to show your interest at interviews by asking insightful questions and being formally dressed during the interview process. But most certainly, try to choose the company that has the most attractive atmosphere. If you have any questions about my specific position at KPMG, you are free to contact me. Additionally, if you have a broader question about another position within KPMG, I advise you to contact Marvin van Veen (Recruiter)”.[1]

About the Traineeship and KPMG

The audit traineeship program at KPMG is a program where trainees work for four days a week and follow their program for Chartered Accountant once a week (mostly on Fridays). During this program, trainees are offered the opportunity to work for a broad range of clients from different industries to get an idea on what it is like to audit in these specific industries. The trainees work in groups not only with other trainees but also with colleagues who have been working at the firm for a longer time who can provide them with great guidance. Not only is there a great working atmosphere, since there is a large group of trainees, there is also a fun working atmosphere where you are often in contact with people who are in a similar age group as you.

What’s in it for you?

At KPMG you are not only granted the opportunity to work within the audit teams of various different clients, but you are also entitled to a great working environment where growth opportunities are endless. Due to the relatively small office in Rotterdam, you benefit from the practicalities from working in a small office as well as the advantages of working for a large firm.

Within KPMG, you are guided by colleagues within your team, you are appointed a ‘buddy’ who will help you out throughout your first years at the company and most importantly, you have a development manager who helps you structure and plan out your career from 5 to 10 years from today.

Get in touch! Contact Details

Juliette van de Boel (Audit Trainee) LinkedIn

Marvin van Veen (Recruitment Audit) LinkedIn

Anniek Blaak (Recruitment Advisory) LinkedIn

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[1] Contact details are stated at the end of this article.

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