Next steps after a board year with former VP

Meet the former Vice-President

● Study: MSc Finance & Investments at the Erasmus University
● Current occupation: M&A intern at Oaklins
● FSR Board position: Vice-President

“What motivated you to become an FSR board member?”

After completing my bachelor's degree, I was not sure which master's degree to pursue. Moreover, I had been studying for a while and decided to do something in practice. From the moment I saw the VP description on Instagram I was excited. I saw this as an opportunity to get to know the Finance world better and find out which sectors within Finance appealed to me.

“How did you prepare for your interviews?”

By planning many coffee meetings with current and former board members, I learned more about the tasks of the job and what a board year looks like. In addition, I often asked about the application process and received some helpful tips. At last, I prepared the standard interview questions, and worked them out in a comprehensive manner.

"Can you describe your role as Vice-President? What did your week look like?’’

Every week is different. As VP, you are the point of contact for all members. You are responsible for the marketing of all events and keep all social media platforms up to date. This allows you to be creative and come up with new ideas to attract attention among students. Furthermore, you are part of the Alumni board with the Treasurer and organize alumni activities throughout the year such as drinks in Rotterdam, Amsterdam, and London. You will also take care of the website plus maintain the datasets. Halfway through the year, you will be assigned as the VP of the International Research Project (IRP) and your tasks will get a little twist. Due to this project, you also have the opportunity to go abroad with the student consultants! Personally, I enjoyed all the various tasks as they are very dynamic. My day-to-day activities often involve a lot of ad hoc tasks that have everything to do with the preparation and marketing of an event.

"What kind of skills did you learn during your board year?"

I have learned so much during my board year. For example, I could be very chaotic at times and that has improved tremendously. You learn to plan, take on ad hoc tasks and prioritize these different tasks. On the social aspect, you also learn to interact with 6 different personalities who have been given a lot of responsibility all at once. This allows you to know when to take charge and how to conduct efficient meetings. Finally, I knew that I was going to pursue a career in Finance!

“How do you look back at your time at the FSR? What was your highlight?"

It was a fantastic year! Next to everything that I have learned, I had the opportunity to see a lot of the world. We went on a Board Vacation in Cuba, spent a weekend in London, the International Research project in Southeast Asia, and last but not least the Active Member Weekend in Budapest. Furthermore, I built a huge network that I continue to benefit from to this day. I met a fantastic group of people with whom I still have a lot of contact today and whom I will continue to speak for years to come.
The highlight of my year was the last trip abroad to London. It was Queen Elizabeth's birthday and we attended a festival with great artists. This was a great ending of the year.

“Can you tell us something about what you are doing now and how did FSR play a role in your current occupation”

In March 2023, I started my full-time internship at Oaklins. Last year, I participated in the M&A Days and I got a great impression of Oaklins. This was mutual and that is how I came in contact with the HR of Oaklins. Once I finish my internship at Oaklins, I will start my internship at Rabobank. FSR has a valuable network of companies that supported me in my next steps.

Interested in a board year?

FSR is looking for the 26th board! During a board year at FSR, you will organize a variety of recruitment events to connect students with companies in the Finance, Accountancy, and Consultancy sector. Hence, you will be in touch with 100+ well-known partners such as J.P. Morgan, CBRE, BCG, EY, and many more. You will build valuable connections for your future career.

Are you curious about what a board year at the FSR is like? Then join our interest drinks on Monday, April 3 20:00 at Walsjerot (wine tasting). Or reach out to one of us for a cup of coffee by sending a text to Pepijn (+31652888248).

Interested? Send an email with a cover letter and resume to The deadline to apply is Sunday, April 23 at 23:59.

                                                                                           Meet the board members

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