FSR | Financial Business Cycle 2023

Nationale Nederlanden

Nationale Nederlanden

NN Group is an international financial services company, active in 11 countries, with a strong presence in a number of European countries and Japan. With all its employees, the Group provides retirement services, pensions, insurance, banking and investments to approximately 18 million customers. NN Group includes Nationale-Nederlanden, NN, ABN AMRO Insurance, Movir, AZL, BeFrank, OHRA and Woonnu. NN Group is listed on Euronext Amsterdam (NN).

At NN, our purpose is to help people care for what matters most to them. We put our resources, expertise, and networks to use for the well-being of our customers, the advancement of our communities, the preservation of our planet, and for the promotion of a stable, inclusive, and sustainable economy.

We are committed to doing business in a way that is consistent with our values: care, clear, commit. We aim to make financial services more personal and relevant for our customers, which is why we need people like you: people who care about others, who are used to taking initiative and responsibility and who don’t give up until they succeed. Together we can make a difference. In a working environment where your personality, talent and ideas really matter.

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